
The Biax foundation-forming system

What the Biax foundation-forming system is and isn't, its costs and comparisons to alternative slabs, and a special offer at the end.

Biax As Void

The ultimate VE option for concrete companies to present when the slab is 24" or greater.

Never presoak again

Presoaking pads on expansive soils. It takes a lot of time, costs a lot of money, and the 'resource' is getting more difficult to get. With Biax, you'll never have to worry about it again.

Reduce CO2 with Biax

The production and transportation of concrete is the single biggest cause of CO2 emissions in the entire building process. See how use of Biax reduces those emissions.

Data Sheets for Biax Pods

All the facts and figures in one spot you'll need for not only each model pod, but their accompanying clips too

When Biax ‘Comes off the truck’

From shipping to receiving to installing: What Construction Engineers and Construction Managers want to know.

More Resources


Non-expansive fill over expansive soils


The use of void products in foundations on expansive soils